$65-$190 for individual massages, depending on duration and practitioner selection
$190-$290 for couples massages, for 60- or 90-minute session.
Ionic Foot Bath
$55, appointment duration is 1 hour to allow for prep and post care.
This 30-minute ionizing foot soak recharges you on a cellular level. By restoring the cell balance of positive and negative charges, it helps to draw out free-radicals and cellular debris that is, hopefully, otherwise being purged by the body's elimination systems.
Far Infrared Sauna
$55, appointment duration is 1 hour to allow for prep and post care.
This individual sauna unit offers temperatures of up to 140 degrees. And because of the design that allows you to breath normal, room temperature air, it is very well tolerated by most. A 30-minute session may very well have you sweating as much as one might during an intense spin class.
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